Only HPIP Certified Contractors have the opportunity to use our online learning management system for online certification. Contractors can use our online system to earn their required continuing education units, or to upload training materials for their company’s employees. Starting in February 2019, HPIP will be hosting and uploading monthly informational webinars to our online training platform. These webinars are for the benefit of our certified contractors, hosted by HPIP’s esteemed board, to provide information that will attribute to their success in the insulation industry.
Certified contractors must continually earn 10 units each renewal year, either through the HPIP Online Course Library or another accredited source such as qualifying hands-on training events or other external accredited online courses. CEUs must be verified and documented in the contractor’s online profile. The online platform automatically tracks requirements and reminds contractors when CEUs are due. HPIP provides full staff support to help contractors navigate the online system and upload external CEUs earned.
HPIP requires five hours of initial core curriculum coursework in order to be initially certified as a high performance insulation professional. Course topics are: Building Science, Air Sealing, Attics, Walls, & Floors.
What the HERS Index Means for Insulation Installation Quality - 1 Building Science CEU Credit
Insulating an Attic with Blown-in Insulation - 1 Attics CEU Credit
Why High Performance Insulation Systems? - 1 Building Science CEU Credit
Understanding Air Leakage & Sealing in Residential Structures - 1 Building Science or Air Sealing CEU Credit
HPIP Installation Pro - 1 Building Science CEU Credit
High Performance Insulation Terms & Concepts - 1 Building Science CEU Credit
Insulation Blowing Machine Operation, Maintenance & Safety - 1 Building Science CEU Credit
Sustainable, High Performance Reflective Insulation Products & Systems - 1 Building Science CEU Credit
Batt Installation, Meeting Grade 1 Standards
Batt Installation, Meeting Grade 1 Standards (Spanish Subtitles)
EPS: The Economical Choice for Roofing Insulation
EPS: The Sustainable Insulation Solution
Learner Tutorial
Quality Insulation Installation
HPIP Certification & CEU Policy
What the HERS Index Means for Insulation Installation Quality
Why Attend a Hands-On High Performance Certification?
Insulation Blowing Machine Operation, Maintenance, & Safety
HomeAdvisor: HPIP Account Management & Best Practices
HomeAdvisor: HPIP Online Visibility & What’s New
HPIP entry Level Course & Exam
If you have not yet become certified as a High Performance Insulation Contractor, we invite you to do so now and begin promoting your company’s presence on the High Performance map.
Certified HPIP contractors are featured on the Locate a High Performance Contractor Map on the HPIP website. This map is published for builders, homeowners, and architects to refer to when looking for a certified insulation contractor in a particular area.
HPIP has created an online training platform free to all certified contractors. This platform includes many company specific custom options, coursework on everything from basics to advanced insulation knowledge, webinars, and more. We’ll keep your crews up to speed between live events.
Certified contractors enjoy their own portal system in our network to track all their training, from all sources. Once initially certified, our system will automatically track CEUs, and send reminders when training is due. This type of system would cost thousands for a contractor to set up and maintain. It is free to HPIP member contractors!